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Garden State = Whoa....

2005-05-15 - 12:12 a.m.

I am totally in love with a new movie: Garden State. I know, I know. Old news. But, Christ. Why didn't anyone force me to watch that thing when it first came out? And the soundtrack. Wow. I'm so mad - on itunes you can only download the entire album. Just the song from the tap-dancing scene (which I totally fucking love - what a fucking rad, rad scene. I watched it over and over again.) can be downloaded for 99 cents. The rest of the songs you just gotta buy the whole album - which I just may do. I had no idea who The Shins were before the movie, but they rock. And Natalie P., per usual, is just brilliantly gorgeous, isn't she? God, to have .0000944439828 the talent that she has. Wow.

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