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My Dad is Sad

2003-04-04 - 11:19 a.m.

I think my dad is depressed. With his layoff and the war and my mom HOUNDING him about getting a job. I know how shitty THAT can be... and I only had to deal with it a few times. The time that hurt the most was right out of college. As if I didn't know I needed to get a job. But, geez lady, give me a chance to get reaquainted with my old bedroom (plus four years of college stuff packed in) and just get used to the fact that my life just changed drastically. No, the Monday after I got back from a trip that I took right after I graduated she was complaining because I didn't have a job. And, now, my poor dad - he's trying so hard and it's not as if he doesn't WANT a job. Shit. Everyone wants a job. He just can't find one. And, sure... 30+ years with the same company and an engineering degree to top it off certainly isn't going to give you a lot of room to move around in the job market, but he's trying. And, even for things like Home Depot and Lowes. He just wants a nice $10/hour job. And even HE can't get one. I completely understand. If I didn't have the job I have now, I would have been unemployed now for almost two years. Ever since I left my other job, I've been looking and looking and looking. I was only supposed to stay at the job I'm at now for a month or two - I even told them that in my interview. I am so glad I took it or I'd be really screwed right now. So, yeah... I feel bad for my dad. At least he has this week off from my mom nagging him. And, it's not like he's sitting around on his ass. No. He's been down here in Cinci to visit his cousin and help him with a remodeling job. And, he's been going up to visit my grandma - in fact, he's there right now, taking her to the doctor, then to lunch and then, to a movie. They probably won't go to the movie though b/c she'll be tired. So, you know what he'll do? He'll take her back to her house and clean stuff up for her and fix things! He's just like that. And, the fact that he's trying isn't good enough for my mom and it makes me mad.

Anyway, I find it interesting to read diaries on my buddy list. Ones that I've read for a while. And then, poof! there are pictures of the diarist. And, it's really kinda neat. You can imagine people looking so much different. And - don't lie - you know you've got an image for everyone you read. Whether it's real or imagined. I often wonder what people think I look like? I have never posted a pic (and maybe never will). Am I black, white? Big, small? Tall, short? Blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes? What? You might be suprised. You might not. You might see my picture and go, "Holy crap. What an ugly bitch." or "Holy crap. Why isn't she modeling?" Who knows?

Okay. Going to go workout now. At the new cardio cinema part of my gym! They play movies and you can workout while watching them. You just kind of have to be really good at figuring out what's going on and how things will end because, chances are, you'll only see about 30 minutes of the movie. Neat! Bye.

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