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My Weekend. By: Koko

2003-04-06 - 5:47 p.m.

Today was okay. Yesterday was better. I kind of slept in until about 9. Then, we went to the Reds game. Of course they got their butts kicked, but I got to eat my first "baseball pretzel" and drink two "baseball beers" so, that's all that really matters in the grand scheme of things. Fuck the Reds' record! Then, we went to Joe's Crabshack. That was fun. I had some weird tye-dyed drink. It was like five or six different colors - until I messed it up and mixed them all together. Then, we went to Milton's. I hadn't been there probably since Trudy lived here and that was about 4 years ago. BUT - the best part? The "Come and sex me up in the chickenhole" was still carved on that table. We didn't carve it. It was always there. And it still is. Although, now it just says "sex me up in the chickenhole". If you go to Milton's you should look for it. The table is upstairs by the pool table. It's the only one with grafitti on it... the chickenhole quote is on the edge of the table. It's a round table so, I can't really tell you what side because there are no sides to a circle (remember geometry?). But, look for it! Then, we went to Christy's howse and played Rummikube.

Today, all I did was work. And, someday I'm going to figure out how to work AND workout all in the same day.(really! well, maybe not b/c I keep saying 'someday' and it never fucking happens and I'm just getting older so my body is just going to say 'ha! ha! no way, jose!' the more I try to do it and it never works. but, maybe i'm just lazy, but i'm not a lazy person. jeez... i've run two marathons. lazy people don't run marathons. maybe i grew lazy though. i don't know. i am just tired all the time. not lazy. but, then, maybe tired is lazy. or lazy is tired. i think i just need to concentrate on working out BEFORE work - because i never ever ever want to go after. so, before should be my goal. but, i always work early b/c i wanted early shifts so i could go workout after work. god - all i want to do is workout consistently like 4 days a week. instead it's like workout 5 days straight and then, do nothing for 9 days. over and over and over again. freak - koko. you are a big freak, koko. idiot.)

Well, as the organ (musical instrument, not body part) playing woman in Sixteen Candles (she also played creepy, helper-outer, kill the ghosts lady in Poltergeist - I think her name was "Tangina" - but, I could never really understand her name b/c I was like, "Tangerine?" and it was just so confusing) would say, "Oh. I need a drink."

before - after

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