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Lazy Day and It's Okay

2003-03-30 - 3:48 p.m.

I think it's really telling, the state of the minds of everyone in the U.S., when two comedies are at the top of the box office list. One for the third (or fourth?) week in a row... And, an even better sign is the mounds of people (women especially) gathered around the ice cream freezer at Kroger -- and, all of them (me included) making the decision between Moose Tracks and just regular chocolate look like the most painful decision ever.

I just felt like I looked like the biggest "stay at home geek" ever at Kroger - I bought ice cream (Moose Tracks), coffee (Yuban) and a newspaper (Cincinnati Enquirer). Today is a good lazy day. Not one of the bad lazy days I have sometimes. I only had two things I had to do today and I've done them. And, I think I'm still going to go workout - but, not until six. I am happy for my lazy day today. And, I'm not anxious about it.

We went to the Lammers house last night and played poker and got really drunk. I won $5.50 at the table (beating everyone!) and donated it to the Howd fund. I also told Christy about how Booie and I aren't really "together" anymore and I wondered if Booie had told Christy when they went out yesterday afternoon. Christy said no. I said good. Not because I don't want Booie to talk to anyone, but because Booie can talk to Lammers about it. I get Christy. And, I told Christy that... and, I think she understood even though I'm sure she thinks I'm nuts.

I like the logic of poker. It's neat!

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