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April Fools

2003-04-01 - 9:13 a.m.

Maybe the government will just suprise us all and say, "April Fools! There is no war!" and we can all go back to our regularly scheduled programming (joining everything in progress, of course).

So, my mom's in London now (although, I'm really not sure b/c Flighttracker couldn't find her flight last night?!?!) which means, in addition to watching our own turf and all of the stuff going on in Iraq, I've now gotta pay closer attention to what's going on in London. Not that I didn't before, but now, it hits home more.

The following is a response to my dream last night. If you don't want to know what happens when I'm sleeping, stop reading now. Now. Now. Now, really. Now.

Dear Beth Swanson (Goldberg),

Thanks for visiting me. I had no idea you just lived next door to me, especially since I've tried to figure out where you live/how to get in touch with you for a couple of months now. Sure, I could always write to Marcy, but it's much more fun to just find out you're my neighbor. Too bad we had that huge party and our landlord made us clean up. Next time, we shouldn't venture into the "un-used" side of my apartment. So, I was thinking about all of those things you said to me about how I should go back to school. Really, I'm very frightened to go back because I know it won't be the same. Not that it has to be the same, because I'm sure it will be better. Just different. And, at least Tuma's still there, so that's something. I just wish I could go back and have it be somewhere between 1993 and 1997 and be able to chat with you and Marcy sometimes and Spinosa (what a creep) and Tuma and even Bauer. I think Bauer and I would get along this time. Of course, I know the thing I would hate the most would be the commute. I would just want to live there. But, not with all of those kids. So, I don't know what to do. I've been so damn indecisive for far too long now though... my life is literally wasting away. Just like you warned me: "Don't screw around with stuff. Find something you enjoy and stick to it." And, look at what I'm doing now. I'm certainly glad you visited me, though. It makes me want to contact people. And really find you.

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