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In Need Of: One Relationship Calculator (model #5YearsNoMarriage)

2003-03-28 - 4:01 p.m.

Things are just really, really, really weird. But, they're okay. And, I still have no clue as to what "stage" or "un-stage" Booie and I are in. Still sleeping in the same bed. No kisses or hugs for like a week or two now. No fighting. Still a few "honey" and "sweeties" in there... Is there a formula for this? There needs to be:

Sleep together(1 hug - 2 kisses) + (No fighting*Gentle names) = WHAT>??!! Relationship doomed? Relationship okay, but needs work? Relationship very okay, no need to worry, happens to everyone? Relationship kinda screwy, get help? WHAT?!?!??????????

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