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Ault Park

2003-03-24 - 5:12 p.m.

Sometimes, you go to Ault Park and glance over the edge where you can see the immaculately plowed fields and the small spurt of a river and bundles of trees and never a person. And, just the right song can be playing on your headphones and you can think, "Here it is. This is how it's supposed to be. Quiet. Calm." And, you take it all in.

And, you turn around and see the people on their cell phones, in their cars with their stereos and you remember there's a war going on and people are dying and before that, people were dying of AIDS and cancer and enlarged hearts and too much smoking and too much drinking and too many drugs and too much sex and not enough money and depression and anxiety and... humanity.

And then, you try not to cry.

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