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Third time today = NEAT!

2003-03-24 - 6:37 p.m.

Two things:

*Remember when the depletion of the ozone layer was the most important world event you were aware of? And you felt like you were doing your part by buying the pump version of Rave instead of the huge-ass aerosol can you were accustomed to... now it seems as if everything is sold in a pump version only. Except Lysol. Because it's Lysol... can you imagine? Pump Lysol?!?!?

*Uh... you know it's a sad day when, upon grabbing the Windex to clean the teevee and computer screen, you realize you somehow managed to pick up a bottle of Lysol toilet bowl cleaner at the store. And, you get really, really excited about it because you thought you didn't have any.

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