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Stay out, Niki.

2003-03-24 - 12:45 p.m.

Dear Niki -

Please stop showing up in my dreams. Yes, we were in guard together and yes, some of my dreams eventually end up with some sort of guard crap in them, but you do not have to be there. I'd much prefer to have genuine friends who have just a dab of intelligence and compassion visit me in my sleep. Oh yeah, and guts. So, don't come around again. Thanks!

Today, it is so nice out - 75 degrees, sun, everything. So, I'm going to go play at Sharon Woods I think. Or at Ault Park. Or maybe I'll just walk around the neighborhood - yeah, maybe the last one. Who knows? But, now you can't stalk me and kill me unless you know what I look like and can be in three places at once. And, if you can figure out what my neighborhood is... so, ha! Bye bye!

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