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2003-03-18 - 9:01 a.m.

Well, here we sit on the brink of war and all I can do is call off work and have a mental health day. I'm going to watch movies today. And workout. And tan. And just relax. Before it all starts.

Yesterday was a good day. Booie and I went shopping with my Best Buy and Dick's gift cards. We got Taxi Driver and (you'd never guess this one...) Ordinary People on DVD and two CDs. I got some new shoes at Dick's as well as some new workout clothes and a bike pump. I'd really like to ride my bike to work this summer. Or even walk sometimes. Jupiter won't mind the break, I know it. So, now I just have to get Bob tuned up and he'll be ready to go. Last night, we went to Lammers' house for an impromtu cookout. YAY! The beginning of summer. Soon, we'll be sweating our asses off and wishing for winter.

I wish I could run again.

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