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Get up off the couch!

2003-03-18 - 5:50 p.m.

I don't really remember what I wanted to write since I wasn't allowed to update. But, I think it was supposed to go something like this:

Dear Koko,

Please stop being a lazy ass. It's fine that you waited until 4 to go and workout today, but come on. What else did you do today? Okay, so you found those scenes in Ordinary people where the Cokes move around and Karen's straw miraculously ends up in her Coke, but really? What did you do today? Get on the ball, Koke. You cannot continue being so lazy. Tomorrow you work and I expect you to go for a walk/run after work. It doesn't even get dark until 7 now, so you can do that. On Thursday, you can take the day off. On Friday, you must go workout or for an outside workout. Same for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Stop fucking around with this, Koko or you're going to be unhappy again this summer and this year, I'm not even sure if you're going to want to put on shorts. So, start going to the gym/working out outside REGULARLY and start eating more fruit and stuff. You're doing pretty good with the food stuff, but you've got to get this workout stuff in gear or you're just going to be all flabby. And flabby is not fun. It is much better to be firm and not have cottage cheese legs.

Now, go take a shower and stop being all freaky scared about this war shit. If it's your turn to die or have your family die, then so be it... just stop being a dork about it. There is nothing you can do about it. You can't control it... but, you can do something about your body and general happiness. So, work on that, be happy with Booie and your friends and just try to have a nice time. That's all you can do, Koke. I'm sorry, but that's life. And, in fifty years, you'll thank me for whipping your ass into shape like this because you'll be able to look back and say, "Remember that time I was all freaky about us going to war and I just couldn't get up off the couch and I tried not to cry all the time and then, my mind told to just snap out of it and I started playing outside more and listening to nice music and eating fun meals and just having a good time? And, my life seemed a bit happier? Even though the war situation did not? I am so glad my mind was an asshole that day." So, there you have it, Koke. Stop moping around.

Love, Your Brain

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