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Splitting Up

2003-03-12 - 1:26 p.m.

Dear you:

I don't think we should sleep in the same bed anymore. I don't think we should do backrubs anymore. I don't think I should do your dishes anymore. I don't think we should walk around naked, half-naked or in any other form of undressedness (now, there's a pretend word!) anymore. I think we should just be roommates. And, you should do your chores and I will do mine and we can still split all the bills and perhaps I will get cable on the teevee in my room so we can really start moving away from this thing we had where we were one. I think it's time we split.

I can't believe I'm writing this, thinking this, feeling this and I am okay with it. I mean, it's BOOIE. And, it's over, I think. And, I'm not scared or really sad or anything. Okay. Now, I just got a tear. And, I know I will have more. But, I am okay. Can you believe it?

Now we just need to have this conversation. I almost started last night in bed, but I was too tired. Tonight. Not in bed. In the living room. On separate couches.

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