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Birthday dinner

2003-03-11 - 9:25 a.m.

Dear Spring -- Thanks for finally stopping by. Please stay, won't you?

Love always and forever, Me

So, I made out like a bandit for my birthday. I got three books (Mrs. Dalloway, The Hours and The Meaning of Life - thank god for that last one b/c now I know it and you don't!), two DVDs (Monsters, Inc. and A Beautiful Mind), that Coldplay CD I've wanted for a while, a Curious George quilt thing my mom made, two nice-sized gift certificates from Best Buy and Dick's and a sweet little card (with cash inside - completely not expected!) from my grandma, hand-delivered by my mom. And, Vomit got me a hilarious card - but, he never does fail in that department. We ate at Nick's Chops and Chasers since we're going to have Italian on Saturday when we all take my grandma out for her birthday (I can't wait to see her!). It was a really neat place and my dad let me get the salmon - when I asked him if it was too expensive ($18) he said, "You haven't been out to eat with mom in a while, have you? You can get whatever you want." My mom glared at him for about two minutes straight. We were all just cracking up at her. Good times.

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