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Finding things

2003-03-10 - 5:27 p.m.

Whew! Everything is done... the place looks great except for the computer table but, my parents will get over that.

So, while I was cleaning, it came to my attention that perhaps Booie is seeing or on the verge of seeing someone else. I found something in my room on the floor. Probably something I shouldn't have picked up or opened, but it looked appealing and I thought it would just be a cute card or something. Instead, there's talk of a conversation held the night before (meaning Friday night) and a few spatterings of words like "beautiful" and "your sweet thing" as well as mention to how much fun said card sender had talking with Booie the night before. Perhaps it's nothing. Perhaps it's something. All I know is Booie was SUPPOSED to be out with Lammers on Friday night. Now, I'm doubting that and I don't want to doubt Booie. But, whatever. Because you know what? Booie's cheated on past relationships... what makes me think Booie won't fuck around with ours? Especially with it being so frayed right now? I just wish Booie had the decency to tell me if there is something going on. I believe I at least deserve THAT... no matter how much Booie can't stand me anymore.

before - after

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