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2003-03-10 - 2:26 p.m.

Today, I was supposed to clean and workout and buy gum and get ready for dinner with my parents and Vomit. All I've done is clean - halfway. I just am not motivated. So, I figure I'll give myself until four to finish cleaning and then, shower and then, run to Sam's to get gum and then, home to wait for the fam. And, I'll workout some other time. I was doing really good, too. Until this past weekend. Oh well. Maybe this will just be a fuck up week. It's just one week, right? Besides... what REALLY could have happened to my body if I HAD gone to workout today. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So, I have to forget about it. I hope I can fix my vacuum so my parents don't see my crumby floor. God, and i still have to finish cleaning the bathroom and do the dishes and clean off the hall table and the computer table and clean the kitchen floor. Oh my god. Why can't they just not even come in? Why do I even care? Bye.

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