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2003-02-17 - 12:09 p.m.

Snow is still awesome. Even though I'm getting really, really tired of digging Jupiter out of snow/ice caves. Today, it took me 20 minutes. The other night (Saturday), it took 30 minutes to get ice off of him. Poor Jupe. I'm sure he's tired of it, too.

Booie and I had a fabulous Valentine's Day. We got some Bangkok Bistro at about 5, ate, started to watch a movie and then, took a nap from 6-7:30. Then, we watched Jeopardy and watched a movie and went to sleep around 11. Neat! We're dorks.

Apparently, my parents got 9 inches of snow! I had no idea... I was supposed to go home today to visit my mom and grandma, but they told me not to even try it.

I think I'm just going to sit around and watch teevee all day. I already worked out and dropped off my library books... so, it's time to shower and head to the couch. Bye.

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