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Vomit's growing up.

2003-02-20 - 2:57 p.m.

Today is a pretty day. I sat in my car at lunch and slept. Now, I am home for the day, and damnit! I've done it again... going to go nap instead of workout. It hurts too much to get up at 4:30 a.m. even though some people do it all the time and never cry. I don't like it. I will workout tomorrow, b/c chances are, I'll get out of work even earlier and I can go and do some fun things. I would really like to eat Indian food right now b/c Sarah had some at work. I ate some cheese instead. Vomit is growing up. He is probably going to get a house at BG with three other guys next year. He wrote us an email and told us. I hope my parents let him, b/c they can be such parents about that stuff. I was always too afraid to research living off campus b/c my mom was always like, "Well.. it's not everything it's cracked up to be and you have to do dishes and it's not close to campus and you have to pay bills and you have to fix this or that and blah, blah, blah." So, I just stayed in the dorm - which, in the end, suited me perfectly. So, I replied to his email and told him to do it and I almost told him he would have to do dishes in a joking way... but, I refrained and simply asked, "How far away from campus does it sit?" I am going to loan him my microwave and perhaps, if I can save enough money to buy a couch (which I really think I can do), I will give him my couch. It's not the prettiest couch, but it sure it comfortable. He can paint it or color on it if he doesn't like it. And, I will also buy him a little bucket full of things he will never think he needs, but then, one day when he needs some thumbtacks or a plunger, it will be in the bucket. He will thank me forever and ever. It seems like I'm drunk doesn't it? Nope. Just sleepy. Bye.

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