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Calling Karla back. Crappy.

2003-02-13 - 11:45 a.m.

Dear Karla,

I don't know what happened to you, but you're really screwed up. You're lucky people can't jump through phones, because that is what I wish I could have done when you blatently lied to me about talking to my mother about my personal life. And, I wanted to jump through the phone when, after I told you how we all just wanted you to be around, you said, "Well, I guess everyone needs someone to blame." And, i really wanted to kill you when you said, "Well, no one asked me." when I told you again, that we really would've just liked to have seen you around for the last couple of years.

Don't turn your problems into our problems. Don't blame us because you can't be an adult. Oh yeah, I just remembered: You're lucky I didn't kill you when you completely lied about visiting grandma while my parents were in Hawaii. Don't think that woman still doesn't have some kind of memory left... she COMPLETELY remembers me visiting her just once... so, why in the fuck can she not remember you visiting her the "many times" you claim to have seen her over those two weeks. Don't play games with us. Especially with grandma. It's disappointing that you don't even know how good or bad her memory is. She would fucking remember if you visited her. And, please.. don't try to be all dramatic and end phone calls with, "Well, I just can't continue having this conversation right now b/c I am so upset. So, I'll call you when I am ready to talk." Perhaps, by that point, I'll want to have nothing to do with you... ever think of that?

God. I wish I could write really harsh words in here, but they're all just disgusting so, i won't. But, she is such a fucking bitch. Oh, I am so mad. Angry. Angry. Angry. Angry. Angry. Need to scream and go workout. Bye.

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