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If you don't believe in fucked up families, don't read this.

2003-02-10 - 1:24 p.m.

My aunt just called me.

She is the one I used to work for and things got really hairy b/c Booie worked there as well and my aunt just got way too involved and I ended up quitting and Booie eventually got fired after I left AND after my aunt left the place. There was just bad stuff all around, but it all basically stemmed from bullshit my aunt started.

So, then my grandma started to develop Alzheimers and my mom and my other aunt started taking care of her and took all of the power away from Bitch aunt and Bitch aunt wasn't even around so it didn't even matter. And she started to come back around just before the holidays this past year and she has been unemployed for about a year now and heaven forbid if she get a job at WalMart or McDonald's to pay the bills. NO. She called my mom this past Saturday and asked her for 5 grand. You don't just ask someone for 5 grand -- especially if you haven't really spoken to them in four years. So, she asked. And then, my aunt told my mom that she could easily get the money from my grandma because "she is very vulnerable right now." Fucking bitch. For her to even THINK that she would do that to my grandma makes me so angry. So, my mom told her she couldn't have the money and that she'd better not ask my grandma for it. And my mom talked to my grandma and my grandma said, "Well, I don't even have that much money to give her. I need all of my money to take care of me." So, as long as she keeps that thought it mind, I think we'll be okay. My mom is going to check with my grandma every day and check her bank accounts to make sure Bitch aunt doesn't take her money. So, anyway, today Bitch aunt called my house. I gave her my number and email address at Xmas time because she asked for it. Here it is six weeks later and she calls. I did not answer. This is the message she left: "Hello. It's your aunt. I'd like for us to uh... talk. So, if you'd give me a call, I'd like for us to get together for lunch or to invite you to come over here for dinner at my house. I really need to talk to you. And, I hope you want to talk to me. We need to talk about what happened... between us at ______. And, I hope that you are willing because this has made my sister very angry with me. And, I want to try to make things right."

So, I'm going to call her. And arrange to have lunch with her in a public place. And tell her right there on the phone that what happened between us at our former place of employment really has nothing to do with why my mom or my other aunt have feelings of anger towards her. Doesn't she fucking realize that she hasn't even been AROUND for anyone to even count on her as my grandma became sicker and sicker?!?! And that they MIGHT be a little upset because it probably would have been much easier if there were three of them dealing with all of this instead of just two. Fucking selfish bitch. I don't know how I'm going to do it. Eat lunch with her, that is. I'm not going to be able to eat, I know that. Perhaps I'll just drink. And, always have my escape route ready. Because the first time that woman says anything shitty about my mom, my other aunt or my grandma or anyone else, I'm out of there. I don't care if she calls me a bitch or hates me or whatever. Or even feels justified for all of the shit she pulled at the station. Whatever. But, she has got to realize it's time to grow up and take responsibility for some stuff.

I am mad. MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD. It's time to go workout.

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