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2003-02-08 - 11:06 a.m.

Is this a bright, new day for you, Keyboard? Why yes, I believe it is. Whatever ailment you had last night is gone now. How wonderful, Keyboard!

I am halfway done with my work day and then, I'm going to go workout (yep. you guessed it. i never went last night. it is so much fun to sit in the jammies and watch the belly grow.) and then, probably go out to eat with Booie. And, then, I am off for two days! Yay! I'm going home to see the parents tomorrow. I get to check out their pics from Hawaii. Did I mention they went? Yes, the little fuckers went on a vacation without me and Vomit. Assholes. My parents are just such assholes. They really aren't, but sometimes it's really hilarious to call someone an asshole. Like when Samantha on 'Sex and the City' called some baby an asshole - "That baby is such an asshole." Sometimes, the word asshole looks weird - especially after you type it 56 thousand times. Asshole.

So, tomorrow is home and on Monday, I'll probably organize all of my little imporant papers I've been wanting to organize for a year now. I finally got my filing cabinet. :)

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