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Continuing on....

2003-02-07 - 8:08 p.m.

Yeah. Everything is okay once I post. So as long as I can ignore the random boxes and shit, I guess I can post.

Anyway, what I wanted to say in my last entry was that I guess everything is okay. I still haven't had the courage to even ask Booie if we are okay. But, we are laughing some more and the other day Booie was sad that I came home early because Boo wanted to surprise me with dinner. And, today we laughed about crap at work. And other funny stuff. So, I don't know... I just don't know anymore. And, I really don't know what I just typed because it looks like this, "Oo, O donO't OknOOOOOO O Oust donOt OnoO anymoreO" - what is that??!?!?!!

I give up. Time to go workout. Maybe. Or just continue being a slacker. Of course, I should move my car b/c it is on Scary street, all the way down by the caboose and I could get killed, mugged or raped tomorrow morning when I go there for work. I suppose the same could happen right now when I go and move it, but I think it is less likely to happen at 8 p.m. when there are still cars and people around. It most definitely can happen at 5:30 a.m. Oh my - the little 5:30 I just did? It looks like this to me: OOOO.


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