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Weird stuff

2003-02-03 - 4:27 p.m.

Went to a work party Saturday. Weird things happened. They always do at work parties and people wonder why I truly don't enjoy going to them. Everything started out okay. There was pizza and drinking games and then "Ted" showed up. Things that happened while Ted was there:

1) Ted asked me out even though Ted is with someone and Ted knows I am in a committed relationship.

2) Ted tried to kiss me.

3) I told Ted that yes, I might consider a relationship with him if I weren't already in an extremely strong, committed relationship.

4) Ted got extremely pissed at me when I asked Ted a very ignorant question about the t-shirt he had on. Now that I think about it, I believe Ted went into the bathroom and did some coke after I asked him that question.

5) All night, Ted was trying to get ahold of someone on the phone and, when he eventually did, he would yell and scream about how he had a gun and say crap like "you do not want to mess with me" to the person on the other end.

6) Once, when we were on the porch, I said something (and for the life of me cannot remember what) and Ted gave me that flared nostril look that I got to know quite well at the party and he reached for his gun. **Must remember to apologize to the person who gave the party b/c I threw a beer bottle at this point and it landed on the steps below the porch. She yelled at me and told me now she had to clean it up. I know she had no idea I did this because I truly thought I was going to get my head blown off.**

7) Soon after this, everyone noticed Ted in the kitchen talking to "Paul" about something. All of a sudden, Ted yelled at Paul about how he had a gun and could shoot him dead right there. Ted left with his friend and another guy went after Ted telling him, "Hey! Do you want to kill him? Let's go back in there and kill him!"

8) All night, besides hanging out with Ted and a few other people, I stayed close to a younger girl, "Libby" and, when all of the gun stuff started happening, I didn't really know what to do b/c there was this "kid" here with me and I felt like I had to protect her and she was scared to death.

Things that happened after Ted left:

1) Libby and I left.

2) Libby puked in my car and I didn't care.

3) Libby left her keys at the party so we had to go back.

4) We finally got Libby home and I got home about 4 a.m.

5) I probably shouldn't have driven.

Things that make me nervous about going back to work:

1) I don't want to see Ted at all, yet we have a meeting tomorrow at 1 p.m. If I'm lucky, Ted won't be scheduled to work tomorrow and I can avoid him. Tomorrow. Eventually, though I will have to see him. The reason I don't want to see him is because I am now terrified of him. And I truly believe I trusted him before. I mean, I sat in a room alone with him for a while at that party and I believed nothing would happen. Yet, here I find out he was doing coke and had a gun. And, I haven't seen anyone as angry as he was since I don't even know when.

2) I'm frightened of what others think might have happened between Ted and me at the beginning (before all of the gun and coke stuff). I don't see any reason for any rumors to be formed about our actions (or lack of actions, really) because people were in the room with us most of the night. I don't know. I just know those people have a tendency to make up and spread rumors like crazy because they're so unhappy with their own lives so I'm sure something will come of us sitting in a room talking with people going in and out of the room all night.

Also, I haven't really told Booie much about this. I mentioned that I talked with Ted a lot and stuff like that. And I told Booie about the gun and coke stuff. And the Libby stuff. But, nothing about how Ted asked me out and tried to kiss me. I know I will though, I just have no idea when. And, it won't be a big deal, I don't think? I don't know. I don't think we've dealt with anything like this before. I'm scared.

before - after

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