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E-Bay and Brains

2003-02-03 - 9:33 p.m.

Two things:

1) I've been checking out e-bay. There are quite a few things on there pertaining to space stuff that are for sale for high amounts of money - $50+. I have a lot of these things in my space collection. Yeah. Collect the stuff BEFORE stuff like this happens. And, then, don't get on e-bay and try to buy this stuff just because you think you should have it because all of a sudden it's something that's so important. Find your passion(s) and stick to them... don't fuck around with crap just because you think it's cool.

Was that mean?

2) As I was just making dinner, I remembered my dream(s) from last night.

Dear Brain,

Enough with the school dreams already. It's been almost six years and I think it's pretty obvious I am not going back. So, stop making me have dreams where I am moving into Ogden Hall and I am all excited about classes and going to the rec center and all of that stuff. And, stop making me have dreams where the layout of Ogden is the same every time - I mean, there were NEVER three-story suites on the fourth floor. There is no fourth floor in Ogden - only Symmes. And, even if you think you can tempt me into going back by having these wonderful dreams, I know that, in reality, it would never ever ever be the same. The people who are there now are ten years younger than me and I would have nothing in common with them. Sure, it would be great to study again and feel like I am doing something with you and not letting you go to waste, but I really think it is never going to happen at Miami. When I do go back to school, it will more than likely be somewhere close (U.C., Xavier, even NKU). And, if it is Miami, I certainly will not live there - especially not on campus. So, fuck off brain. Stop it. The next time you do it to me (especially three times in one week - I mean, really!?!?), I think I will cry and make you do evil things like not read books and not keep up with current events and just not have any brain fun at all. Teevee will be it. Only teevee for you if you do it again. Understand?

Love Always,


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