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When yo po', you get mo'...

2003-01-30 - 1:51 p.m.

Yep, that's right folks. Got my W-2 today and here, a mere two hours later, I am well on my way to checking my bank account every day until the $313 from federal and the $85 from state is deposited in my account. I had forgotten how much fun tax time is when you're poor. The last time I made this little money was 1997 - the year I graduated from college and worked only half the year making 18K. Last year's W-2s included six months of work from the station, so I think I only got about $85 back. And, the year before last... well, I owed that year. But, this year. This year is great. And, here I've finally learned to live with my measly checks and I get even more money. And, my birthday's coming up so, while that may not mean more money, it does mean some stuff for which I won't have to dish out any dough. And, then we've got our yearly bonus coming up. At last count, our bonus is 1.3% of our yearly income... which gives me a $300 bonus - before taxes of course. So, knock that down to $150. So, I'm actually feeling kind of rich?!?! right now. At least I can afford some things I've been needing. More jeans, shoes, haircut, filing cabinet, workout clothes, etc.


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