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2003-01-29 - 3:24 p.m.

Off today. Having fun. Doing some cleaning. Watched 'Real Genius' this morning. Sometimes, I get mad about our house not being perfect. Today is one of those days. I tried to clean the big bedroom b/c we just got our new bed the other day and I thought, "Whoa... we really need to clean this place up and think about getting an armoire or something to put stuff in." So, I cleaned and it still looks junky and I just hate it. If only we had one more room where we could just put stuff and shut the door and pretend it doesn't exist. But, no. Instead we have to put all of the crap in clear view but, make it look nice so people think it is not crap. Blah! At least the teevee got dusted and the computer screen. And the bathroom will get cleaned later and the laundry will get done.

I think I'm going to go workout now. I am trying trying trying (for the last time probably before I just give up and resort to having a chubby body for the rest of my life) to keep up on the workouts and I am trying to continue eating well. We just went to the grocery last night. I love Clinton at the Hyde Park Kroger - he is always on register 5 if you want to go and see him. My bill = $107. That should sufficiently keep me from eating out. I also got some more Dexatrim which seems to curb my appetitie quite nicely. The other night, though, I did something I haven't done since Miami - six years ago. I binged. Not severely like I used to. But, I was upset and just moody. So, I asked Booie if we should get dinner. Booie told me to wait a while b/c Booie wasn't hungry. An hour later, I asked if Booie wanted anything to eat. Booie said No. So, I went out and drove around like a madman and was thinking I could go to Taco Bell, Wendy's and Burger King. I only went to Taco Bell and Wendy's. Then, I went to a parking lot and ate it all. I got home and Booie was like, "Where's your food?" I told Booie, "Oh. I just got some Wendy's and just ate it in the car on the way home." I got a weird look from Booie, but it was dropped. I have no idea what possessed me to do that - like I said, I haven't done anything like that since college. So.... I guess it's time to go workout now.


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