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Update Schmupdate

2002-12-14 - 11:12 a.m.

My dream:

I was bowling. Then, it turned into guard practice (doesn't it always?!?!). Lynsey was there and we were twirling huge-ass sabers. I had no idea how to manuver them -- they were seven feet long. Everyone else had no trouble. Niki was there and was upset about something. She ran off and her mom was also there, crying. So, I went to find Niki and she showed me a picture. It was of a group of people and she and Mike were in the picture together. She told me he raped her also and had just committed suicide like ten minutes earlier. I was shocked and didn't really know what to say to her. Then, I just broke down because he was dead and I was so relieved. Then, we went into some old house and she told me everything that had happened. Then, her dad showed up and I left. As I was driving, my car completely ran out of oil and wouldn't work anymore. I got it into an old gas station and bought some oil. That is all.

I haven't been doing much of anything lately. Not even working out. :( I think I need to change my schedule with that because 89 percent of the time, it is just not feasible to go and workout after being shit on all day at work. It is a workout just to be at work. So, I think I'm going to try three hour workouts (1 hour cardio, 1 hour weights, 1 hour cardio) on my days off and try to go workout for 1 hour just one other day of the week. Work just wears me out so much. I read somewhere a few years ago of a woman doing this for the exact same reasons and it worked well for her.

Tomorrow is our holiday party at work. As crappy as work can be, we will be having one hell of a holiday party. Gifts up for winning: 2 Playstations, a computer, 2 DVD players, a camcorder, a digital camera, a palm, a stereo system, a teevee and schloads of gift certificates. It should be a good time.

Tonight, Booie and I are going to Regina's howse for her "Carswellsmas" celebration. That's the only good thing left after having worked at 19 -- keeping in touch with people like Regina...

Booie and I are thinking of getting a howse. Scary. Bye.

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