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Later Today - Two Entries! WOW!

2002-12-05 - 9:35 p.m.

Today was a good day. After doing all of that stuff I told you about in my last entry, I slept for three hours and then, got up and cleaned the house. Now the spare bedroom is finally dusted -- that was so driving me nuts, I had to stop myself every time I walked in there to not dust it. And I dusted those damn fan blades. Yay! I love Windex. And vacuums. Finally, all of the cleaning is done until probably 12.5 hours from now when I see another speck of dust or a dish in the sink and have to clean again.

So, when I was sleeping, I dreamt about someone stabbing me and holding a gun to my head. I have been having some vivid-ass dreams lately - like the other night, I had one about Kim M (yeah... talk about gross stuff with a teacher == she married her high school teacher). She and I were swimming at the old 'Burg pool except it was indoors and then, it turned into a supermarket and Leigh Ann was there and I was trying to hide from her and she never found me because these two snakes (a boa constrictor and a cute blue and purple half snake) and a creepy, mean dog told me where to hide. There were other animals there that talked to me also. Yeah... how about insane? Yes? Is that what you want to say? "Geez... that Guitkoko girl is a fucking psycho. I am soooo glad I am not her."

Poor Booie is sleeping now on the couch.

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