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2002-12-05 - 12:10 p.m.

Booie and I both couldn't sleep last night. Neighbor boy (Psycho Rachel's replacement) decided to have a full-fledged rehearsal until at least 4:45 a.m.. I know this because that is when I left for work. Usually, when I work at 5 a.m., I can leave at 4:58 and make it there on time. Today, I left 13 minutes earlier (because there was 49,000 inches of snow on the ground and I had to dig Jupiter out of his snow cave) and I still didn't make it there until 5:11. :( Anyway, the snow finally stopped. And, they were letting people go home early to cut hours and also b/c we had no customers so, here I am. I already went grocery shopping - thank God my rent didn't come out today. It is waiting until tomorrow -- yay! Oh boy -- Channel 12's meteorologist looks ridiculous. He's in a dorky coat and a bad hat.

I love days like this because it's kind of like I never really went to work. I left at 10 -- that's only an hour after most people get to work. So, if I just pretend that I never had to torture Jupiter with all of that slip-sliding stuff this morning and I never had to deal with Brenda, all is good. Poor Jupiter. I honestly almost cried this morning when I walked out and he was just covered in snow. Is it wrong to have those sorts of feelings for a vehicle? I swear he knows I care about him though. That is why I am still alive right now and didn't slide into that ditch this morning. Jupe's got my back. I love him.

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