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Exhausting Day

2002-12-02 - 1:20 p.m.

Today is my day off and I am already exhausted. The whole ceiling fiasco is wearing me down. We are still cleaning up from everything and went to talk about our rent today and it turns out, instead of taking a week's rent off for both of us, it's only a week's rent off of Booie's half. So now, I'm out about 70 bucks b/c I already spent it b/c I thought we'd both get a week's rent taken off (at least). So, now when I get paid on Friday, I'll more than likely owe Booie about 70 bucks, which takes away from the money I was going to have to buy our bed and to buy xmas gifts. And, now that will all have to be pushed back to December 20th and I'll just never ever have enough money. I fucking hate money. I hate it. I suppose I should look for a job again. I wish I could just write the following letter to potential employers:

Dear So and So,

I want to work for your company. I will do a good job. I know you hear that a lot, but I really will. I am always punctual so you don't have to worry about that kind of bullshit from me. I'll always be on time. I'll work my ass off for you. I have been known to work 74 hour weeks. I can still do it. I will also learn my job faster than most and then, I'll try to learn other employees' jobs so that, in case there is an accident on I-75 and 40% of our workforce is involved, I'll be able to efficiently run the company in their absence. This, however, may get me in trouble. It usually does. Therefore, I will tell you right now that, physically, I cannot be in two places at one time. This is what got me kicked out of one of my jobs. Not fired. Just told to leave. Because I couldn't attend a taping in our studios at 2 p.m. and a pledge meeting at 2 p.m. -- sometimes, you just can't do two things at once. I like to try though. And, i will try very fucking hard for you. You will see. I will be a great worker. I can juggle many tasks at once. This, I believe, is because I once twirled a gun, did some leaps and ran around a gym floor with 20 other girls for seven minutes straight and we did it perfectly. Yes, I am a World Champion -- twice. I can also still throw my seven. So, those are some of the random reasons why you should hire me. Oh - I am also very organized. My friends say I'm Orbanized (see the play on my last name?) -- yes, the whole Orbanization thing stems from my father. So, I'm Orbanized. And I can type 70 WPM - or more if you don't mind mistakes. But, 70 is what I can do without mistakes. I enjoy typing. If you just want me to come and work for you and transfer 87,000 pages of written documents to typed documents, I can definitely do that. In fact, I have always wanted to do that. Just do some boring data entry, desk job. Where you don't have to think - just input stuff. NOt that I can't think - as you'll see on my resume, I have had quite a few jobs in the news industry. Yes, it is all bullshit and not really what it's all cracked up to be. But, I learned how to take a 5 car mini accident at 3 a.m. with no injuries and turn it into a lead story. You can do that stuff you know,in the news. You can elaborate on anything and make it really important. And people listen and then, you get good ratings. It's kind of creepy the way you can manipulate minds in the news industry. I, however, will not manipulate any minds at your company. I will come in and do an honest days work, every day until you say, "Poof! You're gone.", because that is what is really going to happen. Let's not kid ourselves. I will come in, work hard, learn a lot of shit about your company, respect you and then, one day, you'll see that I wear fake pearl earrings instead of real ones and you'll fire me. So, perhaps I shouldn't come and work for you. We can save ourselves a lot of trouble that way. It was great talking to you.

Love Always,


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