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2002-11-26 - 3:26 p.m.

It's snowing! Have I mentioned I love snow? I love it. And I love how Christmas is peeking around the corner right now.. taunting me. I saw a house all done up for Xmas last night. Just one. Soon, there will be hundreds - including ours! The past week has been pretty uneventful - oh, save for our ceiling falling in and having the landlord take his sweet time fixing everything. We're pretty pissed and are hoping to get our rent reduced to half next month -- we've already got a week taken off and if this "project" of his bleeds into next week, we'll be sure to get another week. Yay for extra money!

My aunt Karla is back. She hasn't really been around for a few years... watching in the wings as my grandma got sick and my mom and other aunt handled everything. Now she's back, asking for forgiveness and desperately wants to patch up the relationship (or lack of..) that she and I have. Whatever. I told her I'd talk to her on Thanksgiving. If I feel like it. Perhaps I don't want to patch up the relationship? Could she ever think of it that way? I thought not.

So, I'm off to do some shopping, then tan, then workout, then to Home Depot to return a dead plant and then, home to clean and do laundry. I have to remember to do laundry or I'm screwed. Then, tomorrow, I think Booie and I will go to Daybreak (yum!) for some brunch and then, I'm off to the 'Burg to help my mom and drink with my brother and laugh at my dad. YAY!

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