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Weird dreams

2002-11-17 - 11:29 a.m.

Last night, I had the strangest dreams. One consisted of me being back in high school, doing the whole guard thing. Cathy was there and Lynsey and Cindy and Bink, I think, but we rehearsed in a pool.

Another dream put me back in college and I lived in King Library, but it wasn't a library in my dream, it was more like a very open-lobby type hotel and it was like my junior year or something and I ended up living next door to Pam and I wouldn't talk to her and then, she ended up turning into Tyne Daly and then, Sharon Gless showed up and I told them how much I used to worship "Cagney & Lacey".

At some point, I also had a dream that I had lice. Neat.

In real life, not much has been happening. I'm hopping up to the 'Burg today to have dinner with the folks and my grandma. My 8th grade science teacher was arrested for sexual battery and six counts of related stuff on Wednesday. That stuff always CREEPS me out. Like when Amy called me that one day out of the blue and asked if her dad had ever done anything to me because he had sex with her for years when she lived with him and she was finally going to do something about it. CREEPY shit.

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