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My First Mister

2002-11-09 - 11:25 p.m.

Holy Shit. So, tonight Booie is out and I am alone and so, I thought I'd do the whole, "Rockin' Alone" thing and eat some yummy LaSalsa and buy some booze and rent a movie. And, I rented, "My First Mister" and I'm so in love with that movie right now. I cannot believe it. I mean, because I'm sure you think "Oh. 'My First Mister', Completely about sex and lust and all of that stuff." No. Not at fucking all. And, I don't even think I'm drunk and I completely bawled at the end of it. And, I don't do that a lot. Sure, I cry at the end of all of the sappy-ass movies I like to watch, but holy shit... this one, I could not stop. And, it's so predictable and it's a little bit too true or fluid or I can't think of the words for it, but everything works out perfectly in the beginning so, it's kind of unbelieveable and maybe it's just because i really like Leelee Sobieski (sp), but it fucking rocks. And, it's good with about a half bottle (small) of Beam and 7 Up (you can go diet or regular here, not sure it matters). Oh -- Leelee COMPLETELY reminds me of Heather Rumford. What in the fuck is she up to now? We were "friends" in the 6th grade even though she tried to beat me up twice while we were "friends". But, she was a complete loner in high school and always the one everyone picked on and Leelee reminded me of her. Not that Heather reminds me of Leelee. Leelee is much prettier. Sorry.

Oh -- my grandma is being taken care of by a complete stranger now. It's frightening -- that person could completely steal from my grandma and kill her even and we just let her in her house. "Sure. Come on by..." I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I WANT MY GRANDMA BACK. I HATE IT. I MISS HER.

Now I am crying again. Bye.

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