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2002-11-06 - 5:18 p.m.

Add an entry, huh? I haven't done that for nine days according to Diaryland. I really don't know what to say... I haven't been up to much. Just working and working out... Oh! Lammers is calling. Yay! I get to volunteer with him at the Boys and Girls club on Friday. What fun! Tomorrow is going to be a hell day - I will be working from 5 a.m. - 6 or 7 p.m. -- to get the store in order before the biggest big wig of all comes "into the district" on Friday -- the district being the Midwest district, meaning Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, etc. So, because he M*I*G*H*T stop by our store, we have to have it in tip top shape. And, it pisses me off because no one gives a shit what we look like when he's not here. I just wish they would suprise us instead of fucking telling us when they're coming in. Booie and I ate at the Golden Corral last night - I absolutely love their pot roast stuff. I had like 47 plates of it. And, the desserts make me mad because they always smell so good (like Cinnabon) when you're walking by and you're like, "Oh! They must have some good stuff up there." and then, you go and look and they have brownies and cookies.

I've received some more ding letters in recent days also... I'm going to start saving them instead of throwing them away. At least then, there is proof for my parents when they ask me, once again, why I continue to be a loser. Not that they've ever asked me that, but I feel as if I have to tell them everytime I see them that I've been applying for jobs. And that's just me... not them. They could really give two shits. As far as they know I am doing okay. And, I am. I am not starving and I have a roof over my head and gas in my car. It's just hard not to be able to buy clothes or shoes or anything "extra" without saving up for it for four or five months. And, heaven forbid if you bust a tire or get sick and need to buy medicine... that just wipes out my entire budget. Just wish I had more money. I cannot stand money. Have I told you that before? Yes... okay. Before I get mad about money, I must go. Goodbye.

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