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Vomit's Goggles

2002-10-27 - 7:03 p.m.

Vomit is getting picked on so much at school that he's getting thrown into closets and big gashes are appearing on his head and they still linger two days later when his family sees him for family weekend. I told him that if it happens again, he needs to leave. I suppose his roommate and his friends aren't so bad, but if they're beating up my little brother, I may have to go do some damage. Kinda reminds me of the time that some punk stole his swim goggles at the pool and was tossing them around to all of his friends while Vomit scurried to try to retrieve his goggles with each toss. About .000005 seconds after seeing this, I placed myself in view of the punk and convinced him to toss the goggles to me. I giggled a bit to make him think I was on his side and all into keeping some tiny kid's goggles from him. I snatched up the goggles, handed them to my brother, glared at the punk and made some comment about how easy it is to drown little punk-asses, especially the ones who are about a foot and a half shorter than me. I don't think we ever saw that kid again. Sometimes, I wish I could still save Vomit.

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