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Secrets Stolen From Deep Inside

2002-10-26 - 9:53 p.m.

Weird few days... today was spent in the car for six hours, toting mom, dad and grandma up to BGSU to visit Vomit. From there, we went to Toledo and ate at the infamous Tony Packo's and went to a movie. Then, we went to Meijer to buy Mountain Dew for Vomit and forks and knives for him and some soap and we went home. Grandma has officially been diagnosed and is not allowed to drive. She was really good today... talkative and everything. And DAMN! That woman can talk about anything and everything from 1930 - 1950. From there, she draws a blank. She can't remember where we're going and has to ask every five minutes but she sure can rattle off every job she ever had (along with the hours she worked), every dog she ever had and a whole slew of other things. Alzheimers can be such bullshit and really be devastating, but I'm amazed at what this woman can tell us about her past(at least at this point). I ended my day with a swaddling of Cyndi Lauper songs and a veggie whopper.

On Thursday, Carol died. Carol is Nick's mom. Nick is our completely selfless, loving, generous, smart and wickedly humorous gentleman friend from L.A. He was Booie's friend first and they get along like peas and carrots. So, she died from ALS and I cried. I had only just met her a few weeks ago and visited with her once since then and I could just tell what a wonderful human being she was. We saw Nick Thursday night and roasted marshmallows and ate caramel apples. No idea yet when the services will be.

On Thursday we also bought our first bed together! And, I thought it was great that there was NO mention (or even a thought of...) "Well, we can split the cost now and if we break up, you can just pay me for the rest of it and I'll keep it." or anything like that. It didn't even enter my mind until tonight that we bought the spot where we will sleep for the next ten years or so -- together.

I suppose that is all... tomorrow, I believe we're going to Lammers' house for dinner and drinks around the fire. I love my friends who own homes.

before - after

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