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Shopping. Weddings. And stuff.

2002-10-14 - 11:33 a.m.

Where the hell is Keera? This is so traumatic. Keera hasn't been around for like 40 days.

Anyway, Booie and I had a great time at the wedding on Friday. We danced and ate and laughed and watched two people who are also madly in love do the same. We also got to make fun of Force and the way she can mess up any damn dress... I mean, come on... bridesmaids are NOT supposed to look ridiculous. But, just like any other piece of clothing that Force wears, it looked like a wrinkled mess on her. We're just baffled by it. We got to see Ragsdale - he's home from the Navy for a few weeks so, hopefully, we'll see him again! He is all chunky and muscular and stuff - yum! Jennie and Brian had their first dance to the best first dance song I've ever heard - The Luckiest by Ben Folds. It's on the CD they made for everyone and I've been listening to it. Later in the evening, they played the song again and Booie was nowhere to be found so I danced with Nikki and Chris and someone else? (too much wine) and was kind of mad that Booie was not there. But, I got over it.

Before the wedding, we went outlet mall shopping and we both picked up some things we've been needing separately and collectively. We FINALLY have a decent set of silverware. I can't believe it took so long to get it, really. I mean, it's just silverware. We had been living off the weird stuff I bought at WalMart when I first moved out of my parents' house and it was getting kind of gross. Besides, we haven't had a wedding yet so, we've gotta splurge on that stuff ourselves. Speaking of which, that has been something we've been talking about lately. So, perhaps we'll tie the knot in a couple of years or ten. Who knows? At the Eddie Bauer Warehouse outlet store (the outlet store of the outlet store), it was like we were in the Twilight Zone. Do you ever have surreal experiences like that when you're out in public? When all kinds of just kooky stuff keeps happening and you're just like, "What in the hell is going on? Why is that kid screaming? Why are those people over there just smoking and staring at me? Why is there butter on the floor?" Stuff like that? Well, at the Eddie Bauer "we've REALLY got to get rid of this stuff, but it's still going to be high-priced" store, there was a woman who was obviously looking for a certain type of comforter. And she was loud. And she was there with a friend. So, they were shouting to each other pretty much throughout the whole store. But, at one point, I kept hearing annoying woman go, "Stars. Stripes. Dots. Flowers. Dots. Flowers. Stars. Stripes. Stars. Stars. Stars." and it was so monotoned and so rhythmic that it was freaky. So, that was my twilight zone experience. I left right away. Guess you had to be there.

Tim and Shelley bought a house. Apparently, it has a huge deck and a finished basement. They're thinking of getting a pool table. Yay!

Okay. Bye.

before - after

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