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What a wuss...

2002-10-04 - 9:44 p.m.

I am caught in the midst of watching the Lifetime Movie channel. God help me. Is this what my life is turning into?!?! :) I think it's hilarious. On top of the soborific movies, I'm pigging out like those dorks on Survivor when they get to eat Reese cups and drink Mountain Dew. Meredith Baxter Birney stars in the movie I'm watching now - imagine that. Now all we need is Tracey Gold and some mention of food or lack of food and we've got a solid winner!!! Until then, this will have to do.

I can't wait until next Friday -- Jenni and Cox tying the knot and all of us having a blast after. Plus, it will be fun to stay in Dayton for the night and just chill.

Wow. That's some good acting going on right now. Uh oh. Now the teenager is giving away his letterman's jacket to his little brother - a sure sign that the movie's description about teen suicide is coming to fruition. Yay! Time to log out and buckle down on the couch with my peanut butter. Bye!

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