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Freezing Snipers

2002-10-16 - 1:04 p.m.

Why does the twilight zone keep happening to me? And why do I keep wanting to spell twilight zone, TWIGHLIGHT zone? What is going on? Today, at work (and I'm only half done!), I had a customer ask me about the bushes on the side of our building and if that makes me think of the sniper. Then, he said, "I could just leave here right now, hide in them there bushes and kill you while you're standing there. You'd never know I was there." Uh. Yeah. Neat? I had no clue as to how to react to that. Very very awkward. And, holy bejeebus! It is COLD. Yet our little thermometer says it's 51 degrees out. I used to frolick outside in shorts in that weather. Now, I need a sweater, jacket, hat, scarf, gloves and pants to safely make it through the bitter cold of 51 degrees. Is this what happens when you get old? Not that I'm really old, but I swear, every winter it gets worse and worse. Lately even, I've been lounging in our house with flannel jammies on and a blanket over me. And, the coldest it's been is about 40! Holy crap. I'm doomed. And to think, I used to dream of living in Alaska. I did. Really.


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