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Telephone interviews need to be outlawed

2002-08-17 - 11:34 a.m.

Uh, yeah.... I had a phone interview for a position I really wanted. Until I talked to the woman/it on the other end. I say it because she was very MONOTONED/NOT GOING TO SAY ANYTHING WITH ANY KIND OF INFLECTION/NOT GOING TO LAUGH AT ANYTHING OR EVEN GENERALLY RESPOND TO ANYTHING EXCEPT WITH ANOTHER QUESTION THAT SHE WAS OBVIOUSLY READING FROM PAPER. It was awful. Here I am, excited about this interview, thinking, "I'm gonna kick some ass." and then SHE calls. Holy shit. I've never ever met anyone so unpersonable. And, I've met a lot of those... I'm not sure, should she offer me a position, I would want to take it. I'd have to ask her if I can come in for a day and see "how things work". I'd like to hope that she was just more nervous than me about doing an interview. But, I get the feeling she does them all the time and she is the damn director of this place where I applied and their main way of obtaining money for the annual fund is through TELEPHONE SOLICITATION! So, I'm thinkin' not and I'm thinkin' I'll never hear from her again because her "attitude" threw me WAY OFF. Did I mention that she also asked questions like this: "What is your way of dealing with interpersonal issues as they relate to the work environment? And, should such issues arise, how do you maintain a level working arena where everyone continues on with the day-to-day happenings of the organization? What is your MAIN goal as you walk into work each morning? Do you really speak French?" And, that would be just one question... no pause until the end. Uh, yeah... let me try to answer all four of those things you just asked me you fucking moron.

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