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Targeting fatties

2002-08-20 - 2:06 p.m.

Dear Dave and Dave,

I realize it is your job to go around to all of the people at my gym and solicit business for your personal training endeavors. However, I am not in the mood to be personally trained. Even if it is a free session. Because the next session will cost me $100 and I don't have that. Oh, you'll say, "sure you do... what's $100?" Well, fuck you. And, perhaps you're being legit... giving me a free session that is already mine because I paid for it through my gym membership - who knows? But, please... stop targeting the fat girls who are already depressed enough about their weight, don't have any money to pay you and generally just want to be left alone to do their own 1.5 hour workout. Whether it works or not.

Love, Me

p.s. - I more than likely won't be there tomorrow at 3:30. I already had plans to go running outside.

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