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Red Potatoes Kick Ass

2002-08-08 - 2:42 p.m.

The FCC is regulating our teevees. As if teevee weren't bad enough.

Another ten people died. Someday it will be me and you too.

I had a dream last night with that girl in it.

u know the one

Dr. Everything'll be alright

instead of asking him how much of your time is left

ask him how much of your mind baby 'cuz

in this life things are much harder in the afterworld

in this life you're on your own

and if de-elevator tries 2 bring you down

go crazy

(okay. so, not really. Actually (said with WKEF-Australian girl's accent -- "Actually, you SHOULD call those people right now. Actually, it doesn't matter that it's three a.m. and their only child was abducted and killed. Actually, what is their number? I'll call them."), it was a dream about that one girl who I don't really want to even talk about because she is such a back-stabbing whore)

I apologized to this girl in my dream. Because in my dream, we were having this cookout thing at the daycare center where we used to work and I didn't feel like picking up the food so, I didn't and she got mad at me and I chased her down the hall apologizing. What the heck is that?!?! I plan to never speak to this girl/woman again. So, I'm upset she was even in my dream.

Everyone should check out

In my quest for the precise lyrics to "Let's Go Crazy" (see above), I came across the most amazing university essay ever written. I'll leave an excerpt. Keep in mind, this was written by a sophomore or junior at Miami University (fall of '95). This was for this person's english class and they received a B+ on this rough-draft... I don't really know what this person received for the final draft.

"This is an autobiography on the why when where I started participating in sports along with working and playing in the sports field. I don't know exactly when and why I got into sports. As far back as I can remember and even looking at pictures along with hearing stores I have always had some sort of ball in my hands. Like one day my mom was at work dad was at home with me so we were playing ball by the time mom got home we had broken almost ever(sic) lamp in the house which did not make mom very happy. My dad though was always very active in sports mom played some basketball since they are from Kentucky where basketball was and still is very popular."


I think that is all for today. I am off work and plan to go running soon. I would tell you where but, then you could stalk me and kill me. And, I don't really want to die today. So, I'll tell you after I get done. It's not at Lunken where all the killers are either. So, don't go and try lurking around there. I won't be there. Some other killers might be though so, you could go and get some tips. Or get killed.

before - after

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