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blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

2002-08-05 - 4:37 p.m.

Uh... so, yeah. You might have guessed from that last entry that I'm a little ticked at myself. Just like every summer. I always say I'm going to go swimming and cookout all the time and just be a fun little summer bee running around barefoot and in my swimsuit. Well, besides the fact that my fun little apartment with no balcony, porch, etc. kinda prevents that... I once again failed to enjoy summer and now it is August. Oh, don't get me wrong. I know there are still going to be approximately 132 freaking hot days this year... but, you know.. it's just the idea that once September rolls around, it's OVER. And, here it is August. And, I'm still trying to get used to the fact that it is/was October (last year). Getting older means time flies way too fucking fast. I hate it. and, all I ever seem to do is work and wait for the next two weeks to pass so I can get paid and fulfill all of those monetary lists I make out obsessively. And, then, that two weeks comes and goes and then, another and another and my life is just two weeks at a time, it seems. It is depressing. I get to do fun things with my life but, sometimes, the whole work thing gets in the way.

I think I'll check out the progress of our state lottery this week. I'm not a big gambler at all... perhaps it's time I become one.

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