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Alone ("From childhood's hour...")

2002-07-23 - 3:50 a.m.

Booie is gone for three days. If anyone would like to come over and sleep with me so I will not be afraid of the night, let me know. We have two couches, a floor and a spare bedroom. I hate it when Booie is gone. I never sleep. And this time, I've got to work every morning. So, I'm thinking I'll just sleep as soon as I get home from work, get up about two hours before the gym closes, head there and then, come home and stay awake all night. And then, I can get my sleep schedule back in order this weekend. Who knows? All I know is... there will be very little sleeping going on this week unless it's is during daylight hours. Or unless I am so knocked out during nighttime hours that my mind stops listening for those teeny, tiny sounds that might be a killer or a ghost. Okay. Starting to freak myself out. Bye.

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