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Still All By Myself

2002-07-23 - 9:53 p.m.

Salad = yummy. Perhaps I'm getting on a salad kick again. Remember when I worked a normal job as a producer and only ate salad, yogurt and carrots for lunch? On my lunch break that occured at noon? Wasn't that nice? Perhaps I can get on that salad kick again. For about the last year, salad made me sick. Now, I'm eating it again. Perhaps it's time to kick out the tomato and lettuce sandwiches and bring back the old salad standby. Do I think too much about food? When did that all start? How come it doesn't help me stay thin? Oh, fucking polycystic ovaries... that's right. Jesus, what the fuck am I talking about?!?!

Shelley is going to spend the night with me tomorrow night! How awesome is that? So, now I only have two nights where the ghosts and killers can get me and I can die. I just took a five hour nap and am now psyched to watch the teevee and apply for jobs. And eat my salad and drink beer. Seems as if it's good to search diligently for jobs now... two managers got axed last night. Told to go to the district office for a meeting and escorted out with the police waiting outside just in case. Neat! So, now we're down to three managers.

Great. I'm watching some cheesy movie called, "That Night" about some young girl's idol who gets knocked up. I'll probably love the damn thing and have to own it on tape.


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