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The first paragrahp of this entry is complete bullshit

2002-06-28 - 8:44 p.m.

I secretly wish I had enough funds to drive my BMW/Porche/Lexus/Saab to the "trendy" little furniture store that SAYS it's in Hyde Park but, actually sits across the street from our apartment in Oakley, right across from the Chili Company and the used car dealership. The only "upscale" place it's near is the Nest right below our place. And, I so wish I could take my money and drop it on a shellacked shell of piss yellow plastic that looks like it came from my elementary school teacher's lounge except it's a bit more cleaned up and it has a 5 grand price tag on it. Oh how I wish I could throw my money around like that and then drive away in my trendy little car.

Yes, the evil Voltage Furniture must be having an "event" this evening. There are way too many dumbasses pulling in or out in their snob cars and talking on their cellies. They've got balloons out front and VALET PARKING - at a damn furniture store. I imagine there's booze inside. Me thinks it's the only way they can get any kind of business. I've seen exactly two cars tops in the lot since the place opened in March.

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