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2002-06-28 - 3:42 p.m.

God. I wish that one girl would just update instead of being a dreaded soul lingering about and talking about how much she hates herself and her life and how she is lost and empty and all of that shit. Get over yourself. Enjoy life, you bitch.

Oops. Did I say that outloud?

So, I'm FINALLY done with work. Now, I'm doing laundry, packing and napping. We're heading to Lammers's house for a Howd party. I can't get too smashed for I get the feeling I'm the one driving tomorrow. Even if I'm not driving, the thought of sitting in a moving vehicle while hungover makes me want to puke right now. So, I won't be here until next Thursday... and maybe not even then considering I am working from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. and am planning to go to Lammers's house for a party. Plus, my mom just told me that "we're having the 4th of July at Debbie's house this year". Debbie is my aunt and lives all the way up if Vanfuckingdalia. So, if I decide to go up there (which I may not do since I'll be with the fam for the next five days although, I'd really like to go up there to see Debbie, Steve, Jenny, Sarah, Camryn and Grandma and would feel guilty for not going...), then my day will be jamfuckingpacked and I'll have no time to update. So, perhaps next Friday? But, maybe not Friday either because I'll be recovering from the shock of going back to work and drinking all in the same day (I'll just be doing the latter for the next five days). How about Saturday? Shit, I hope so. Pehaps that is when me and my muscles will go back to the gym. I AM taking my running shoes on vacation. I'll either run or swim every day. Which reminds me... gotta get with Shelley to find out which marathon she wants to run - the one in Jamaica sounds fun but, I don't think Shell will be able to get her tiny legs up to marathon speed by the beginning of December. I get the feeling we'll be waiting until February and doing the Mardi Gras one... which will be great. And Booie and I can finally enjoy a good time at Mardi Gras with Tim. I guess Shelley can say the same... I don't think Tim has ever taken her. Okay. My washing machine is hungry for some clothes. Bye.

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