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2002-07-04 - 6:36 p.m.

Vacation was good. I got a nice tan and boy, do I ever love that lake. And, I'm not much of a lake lover. You can easily see five or six feet down without a problem... so, that means you can see your feet and anything (dead bodies, fish, snakes, etc.) that might be touching them. A very good thing. I loved it. I also met Ice Cream Dog while there. He accompanied me at the pay phones every night when I called Booie. The only thing I didn't like was the road to get out of there. Two feet to the right or left of the road (depending on which direction you were traveling) was a 300 foot drop off into a nice patch of woods. No guard rails. Nothing. So my smart family lets my brother drive this mile or two stretch of road for the first time, in the dark. I begged them to let me drive. Vomit was going so fast. And then, my mom was yelling at me because I was yelling at him. He was going 40. She yelled at him on the way out when he was going 30 in the daylight. So, I kind of got really fucking freaked out and had what I think was a nice little panic attack - couldn't breathe, was screaming, my body went numb. I made them let me out. I wasn't going to go over the edge. Then, they got all concerned and they want me to get help. Fuck them. All I wanted him to do was slow down but he kept telling me how ridiculous I was and he wouldn't slow down. That happened Monday night. I didn't go out on the boat with them on Tuesday. And I drove that stretch of road the rest of the vacation. I'm sure they all think I'm nuts now. Not much was said after that. It's weird. And, it's very evident they don't like Booie. "Laura's neat. Laura and Mark are going to be together for two years in August. We're excited. Laura and Mark can't go to the Reds game with us on Saturday. Do you want to go? You can invite Booie. Mark really likes Laura. Hey Mark, why don't you use the cell phone to call Laura." Nice. Fuck them.

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