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Lots and lots and lots of stuff

2002-06-26 - 6:40 p.m.

I have 96 entries. I can't believe that. It doesn't seem like that many at all. I am glad I do this. Although, what happens when my kids want to read this shit? I hope I can print it all out. I suppose I can. You can really print anything out if you really want to.

I've received a surge of e-mails since yesterday because one of my friends from high school wrote all of us... and, I responded with stuff about my life. Now, I'm learning about all of these lives that were so important to me 10 years ago and here I am reading about what they do and how many kids they have and who they're married to and it just boggles my mind. 10 years ago, all we cared about was when the next practice was, when our first competition was, what music we were using for winterguard and what kind of new stuff they had at Taco Bell... and now, here we are barely sifting through one another's lives. For some, it's good. And for others, I'd love to be more in touch. But, it just doesn't happen that way. It just doesn't. You think you'll be friends forever and you aren't. Which makes me wonder how people stay married for years on end. How is it that you think you'll keep in touch with your best friend from high school and you don't yet you're able to hang onto someone you meet further down the road. Someone you share everything with. I mean, it was bad enough in high school that I showered with, slept with, pooted with and laughed with most of those people four, five years straight... some even longer. And, now we don't talk. How do marriages even happen? Shit.

Howd's wake is tomorrow. I am doing okay... Booie is still really sad. We went to Christy's house last night and Booie told Christy (who never knew Howd) and Booie just broke down. But, then we drank 1/2 gallon of margaritas, ate Chipotle and chips and salsa and just had a great time. It's so awesome to know a bar owner. "Come on over for margaritas! We had a promotion this weekend and didn't sell as many margaritas as we thought so, we have 2 gallons of the stuff left over. Jose Cuervo too!" So, we drank and had fun. It was great timing for it. And, I got a whole gallon of margarita mix to take on vacation! Yay! Of course, I'm partaking in some of it now. Yum.

Only two more days of work. I haven't worked out since last Thursday. Way too tired to even think about it. I was supposed to meet Shelley at Fitworks this morning but, I got up at 6 and decided not to. I figure I'll just take the rest of this week off (I MIGHT workout on Friday but, I doubt it b/c I'll be packing, doing laundry and loading up on the booze since Dale Hollow is located in a dry county - fuckers) and get back into the groove next week when I get back from vacation. At least I don't feel huge - I get the feeling this Xenadrine stuff is working. My tummy is getting back to where it used to me - very much unnoticeable and flat. It's nice to feel that way again. Okay. Bye.

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