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Packing up Blue Ash Elementary

2002-06-11 - 3:20 p.m.

I just got back from getting an oil change for Jupiter and helping Shelley clean and pack up the rest of her room. The whole building is full of boxes... that's gotta suck - packing up an entire school and then, unpacking it in the new building -- summers are never long enough. Anyway, I got a few stickers, an old globe and one of the few pencils that made it into the "Smalley Hall of Fame" (Shelley's way of getting her kids to turn in those teeny tiny pencils so that they won't write with them anymore). I also got free lunch. And all I really had to do was update her reading assessment folders. Great fun.

I suppose I should head down to Fitworks now. Then, it will be time for laundry and back to work tomorrow. But, we're heading to Lammers's new house for a cookout tomorrow night. He dropped by the other night and invited us - right after he told us Howd was terminal. It's scary knowing someone your age is going to die soon. Funeral arrangements are probably being made as I speak/write. Shitty.

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