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2002-06-10 - 11:51 p.m.

No one will ever update even though they have updated and I'm just the one who is not updating. So, fuck me. Okay. So, we finally had our housewarmning party and it kicked ass. And, I had Goldschlager. Do you remember Golschlager? Of course you do not. But, I do. On June 15th, 1996. Goldschlger is what i was fed before I was raped. I drank it for the first time since then. It was different. Not what I expected. If you would like to know what I was wearing, what I ate and what I thought this coming Saturday six years ago, ask. If not, know that I am a completely different, better, stronger person and you can't fuck with me. No matter how hard you try, fuckwads. I am happy with my life and you will not fuck my life away. Ass.

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